Privacy Tools
At SimplyNUC, your rights and the privacy of your personal data is very important to us.
In compliance with legislation, you can request to have your personal identifiable information, which we may hold about you, on your account, on our website or database removed.
If you wish to be forgotten, and have your personal data removed from our website.
Then please use the form below.
Please Note: If you have ordered from us in the past, making a request to have your data completely removed, may prevent us from successfully servicing any future requests from you or your email address.
We will come back to you within the next 30 day period with any additional PII we store on our website or elsewhere using any of our trusted 3rd party service providers.
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At SimplyNUC, we do NOT sell our user’s personal data to any third party, or for marketing purposes.
However, in compliance with California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) legislation, you can however now request from us NOT to sell any such data we may hold.
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